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For 20 years we have served as full time missionaries with CRU (former Campus Crusade for Christ). Both of us came to know the Lord as students when somebody shared the gospel with us. Each of us are graduates of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (Florin - IT engineer, Cristina - Chemical Engineer). We understood God’s calling for us to invest our life in helping people know God’s love and the new life in Christ. For almost 16 years we served among the college students.
Florin: At present, I serve as the Operations Coordinator and Financial Manager for Alege Viața Association (CRU in Romania). This year, I finished a Master Program in Analytic Philosophy at the University of Bucharest. Through this Master program God has opened a new platform for me to interact with students. It also gives me new opportunities for equipping the CRU staff to engage in evangelistic conversations with non-believers and for training Christians from the local churches.
Cristina: For the past two years I have served among the professionals, entrepreneurs and business people. I like so much to see God at work in the personal counseling meetings restoring the lives of those influential people through the power of His truth.
Serving in a faith mission it is our responsibility to raise all the funds needed for our ministry. Throughout all these 20 years it has been our privilege to serve by partnering with a team of brothers, sisters, churches who have faithfully supported us in prayer and financially. Without such support, our work would not have been possible. We are so very grateful to the Lord for faithfully providing for our financial needs!